Referring to this entry, this is the entry that I've promised to all...Alhamdulillah, Adam is very excited to use this bed sheet. He even tell his baby sitter that he is preparing a room for his 'adik' hehehhe Such a good Abang...
Padahal, Ibu dia is so rushing to ensure the bedsheet is well sew for him...
But this bed sheet set is not 100% done yet. I didn't manage to finish the bolster and pillow time..:)

wow!!ila,cantiknya!!berapa lama nak siapkan bedsheet ni ye,n guna brp meter kain?aku pun xpernah try...nak jahit sarung bantal pun asik tertangguh2 je...he2
:) tq lia...
aku beli kain kat IKEA tu satu pattern memang 3m. So, 2 pattern 6m
sbb bukaan kecik.
Tapi bila ukur, insyaallah cukup for 1 bolster and 2 sarung bantal size biasa lagi...:)
erm.. just took 1 day to sew it...pagi potong kain, petang jahit...straight stitches je hehhehe
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