I writing this entry specially for my beloved Mr Lappy. My Mr Lappy will not be mine anymore after today. Today is the last day we will be together dear Mr Lappy. From now on you will be in Cdeq responsibility.
Dear Mr Lappy,

Thank you so much for being there for me for almost 4 years. Bnayak suka duka kita dah kongsi bersama. Thank you for being there when I need you, yelah bila nak ngadu apa-apa,kan...
Semoga My dear Mr Lappy akan terus memberi khidmat yang terbaik pada Cdeq. Bukannya aku tak sayang kat ko, tapi Cdeq lebih memerlukan ko for this time being.
So, tolonglah beri khidmat terbaik, yek..Jangan malukan tuan lama ye..:)
So long, farewell, I hope I'll see you again....
Thank you so.....much.
[dengan itu, saya mungkin akan memakan masa yang lama untuk update C&S tercinta. Maklumlah terpaksa berkongsi dengan Hubby pulak lepas ni. But I'll try my best to update sekerap yang mungkin. Maklumlah, entry raya pun tgh draft lagi...so...hope to see you again C&S!]

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