More Giftaway to join:) This time it is from Sewing & Such by N.A.S.H.A. Senang je nak join tau. Just
Post about this giveaway in your blog.Senang je kan? I told you!
Be Sewing n Such follower. Done kak. Kacang je ni.
The giveaway will be closed on Sunday, 20 March 2011, so please leave your comment here before that time. Marilah mari... Mari join giftaway, Jangan sampai ketinggalan, nanti melepas:) [Nyanyi dalan nada pergi mengundi tu yek]
Winner will get @ 30" x 20" Designer Cotton (Sharon Kessler for Vera Bradley) Wow!!! tu yang saya nak sangat tu:)
Two winners will be picked randomly and will be announced by 23 March 2011. I will then contact the winner for a complete address and the giftaway will be sent to you anywhere you are!Biarlah saya yang bertuah itu...